From Washington to Lee to Trump

When President Donald Trump likened Confederate Army commander Robert E. Lee to slave holders and Founding Fathers George Washington and Thomas Jefferson and asked if we should pull down memorials to those two men along with statues of Lee and other Confederates, he perhaps inadvertently raised an important and extremely difficult question about American history.
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Politics Has Become a Blood Sport

I have never been physically assaulted by a politician. I have however been verbally threatened on more than one occasion by politicians who didn’t like the questions I was asking or the stories I was writing. What happened in Montana Wednesday when congressional candidate Greg Gianforte threw reporter Ben Jacobs of The Guardian to the ground and punched him is unconscionable. Gianforte belongs in jail, not in the House of Representatives.
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The New Old Hickory

Donald Trump has hung a portrait of Andrew Jackson, the nation’s seventh president, next to his desk in the Oval Office and members of his staff are touting the idea that the two men have a lot in common. Vice President Mike Pence has boasted of Trump’s victory, “There hasn’t been anything like this since Andrew Jackson.” That may actually be true. There are already signs of similarities between the two men and it’s a cause for significant concern.
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Don’t Repeat the Mandate Mistake

The biggest myth that needs to be dispelled about this election is that Donald Trump and the Republican victory was “huge” and overwhelming. Trump did win rural areas by a commanding margin but in the swing districts and states which secured his victory the margins were not massive but actually razor thin. The Republicans do not have an overwhelming mandate to push through a far-right agenda even though early indications are that they intend to govern this way.
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Court Ruling Against Rahm Emanuel Devalues Service

Rahm Emanuel would probably be the best mayor of Chicago, considering who is running for the office. But that’s not why the ruling yesterday of the Illinois appellate court is so egregiously wrong. It’s because the decision totally devalues service to our country.
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Arizona Shooting Shouldn’t Stop Government Openness

The tragic events in Tucson this weekend have focused attention on a lot of things that need to be examined—dialing down political rhetoric and hate speech, tightening gun control laws, and having better systems in place to address the problems of the mentally ill.
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Left And Right Attack No Labels Movement

The new group No Labels held its kick-off at Columbia University last week and announced an effort to try to reform our national political culture offering bipartisanship, civility and centrist political solutions. It’s a goal that virtually every recent poll shows a majority of Americans also want.
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Obama’s Tax Cut Deal With the GOP Is Bad Policy

For the past year or so I’ve been writing a lot about bipartisanship and the need for Republicans and Democrats to work together to get something done for the American people. So it’s hard to criticize the deal the president struck with Republicans on extending the Bush tax cuts for another two years as not being a bipartisan effort. However, it’s pretty easy to call the plan not very good policy, and I expect that’s exactly what a lot of congressional Democrats will be saying in the coming days.
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