Gary Johnson’s Fight for 15 (Percent)

Whatever metric you use – whether it’s the historically high negatives for Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton; the overwhelming desire by voters for change and their mistrust of establishment politicians; or the 71% of voters who say this country is on the wrong track, according to the latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll — this is clearly a year ripe for an independent presidential challenge. That’s good news for Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson, the former two-term governor of New Mexico.
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A Catch-22 for Politicians Calculating Risks and Benefits of Supporting Donald Trump

To win in November, Donald Trump needs money and a national infrastructure. To keep their seats and the party’s House and Senate majorities, many Republicans running for office will need the enthusiasm Mr. Trump can generate among voters. Every seat in the House is being contested, and 24 Republicans are running for the U.S. Senate.
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At New York Rally, Bernie Sanders Supporters vs. ‘The System’

The 27,000 people who crowded into New York City’s Washington Square Park for Bernie Sanders’s rally Wednesday night included a lot of young people who had lined up hours before the candidate arrived. Some got there that morning. The excitement was palpable as supporters sporting Bernie pins assembled and vendors sold Bernie 2016 signs with his name outlined in twinkle lights.
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Donald Trump’s Unfavorable Ratings

For months, Donald Trump supporters have not cared about pronouncements from the candidate that would have derailed the campaigns of traditional politicians. But recent polling suggests that what appeals to Trump supporters is hurting the candidate with other potential, and critical, voting blocs, especially women.
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Risks for Senators in Backing McConnell’s Call to Delay Supreme Court Appointment

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s call for the next president, not Barack Obama, to fill the Supreme Court vacancy created by Justice Antonin Scalia‘s death could backfire in an election year when a number of GOP senators face tough re-election battles.
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The Voter Challenges Facing Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton

Entrance polls taken around Iowa as people entered caucus sites on Monday show that when it came to younger voters, Bernie Sanders crushed it: Those under age 30 made up the smallest group of voters at 18% of the turnout, down from 22% when Barack Obama overwhelmingly carried this group eight years ago. These young voters supported Mr. Sanders by an overwhelming margin: 84%, compared with 14% for Hillary Clinton. Mr. Sanders carried 30-to-44-year-olds voters by 21 points, 58% to 37%.
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