Media Appearances
Linda Killian on MSNBC with Melissa Harris-Perry January 11, 2013 Linda Killian joined the panel discussion about New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and how swing voters view the George Washington Bridge scandal on MSNBC with Melissa Harris-Perry. You can view the full video clips (2 segments) below: Linda Killian on the PBS NewsHour November 7, 2012 Jeffrey Brown talked to Linda Killian of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and The Rothenberg Political Report’s Stu Rothenberg about what voters want from their elected leaders. You can view the full video below: Link: Please click here to watch the video on PBS Online. Linda Killian on MSNBC October 25, 2012 Linda Killian recently appeared on MSNBC, joining Thomas Roberts to discuss her four named groups of swing voters and their role of swing voters in the 2012 elections. You can view the full video below: Link: Please click here to watch the video on MSNBC Online. Linda Killian on MSNBC September, 2012 Linda Killian recently appeared on The Cycle on MSNBC to discuss the role of voters who are “in the middle” in the 2012 elections. You can view the full video below: Link: Please click here to watch the video on MSNBC Online. Linda Killian on MSNBC September, 2012 Linda Killian recently appeared on MSNBC to discuss the role of undecided “swing vote” voters in the 2012 elections. You can view the full video below: Link: Please click here to watch the video on MSNBC Online. Linda Killian on Voice of America November 14, 2012 Linda Killian recently appeared live on Voice of America TV Ashna with Ibrahim Naser to discuss the American elections. Linda Killian on C-SPAN’s “After Words” August, 2012 Linda Killian recently interviewed John Fund and Hans Von Spakovsky about “Who’s Counting?: How Fraudsters and Bureacrats Put Your Vote at Risk” for C-SPAN’s Book TV. The program aired on C-SPAN from August 18-20. You can see video and program information here: ![]()
Linda Killian on MSNBC July 3, 2012 Linda Killian recently appeared on The Cycle on MSNBC to discuss the role of independent voters in the 2012 elections. You can view the full video below: Link: Please click here to watch the video on MSNBC Online. Linda Killian on MSNBC June 27, 2012 Linda Killian recently spoke with MSNBC’s Thomas Roberts about the differences between swing and independent voters, and what independent voters are looking for in 2012, which is also the subject of her new book. You can view the full video below: ![]() Link: Please click here to watch the video on MSNBC Online. Linda Killian with Judy Woodruff on the PBS NewsHour June 7, 2012 Linda Killian recently joined Judy Woodruff on the PBS NewsHour to discuss the role of independents in this year’s elections, which is also the subject of her new book. You can view the full video below: Link: Please click here to watch the video on PBS Online. Linda Killian on Current TV’s “Young Turks” May 22, 2012 Linda Killian joins Democratic strategist Karl Frisch on the Power Panel to discuss whether attacks on Mitt Romney’s business record will appeal to independent voters, who make up about 40 percent of the electorate. You can view the full video below: Link: Please click here to watch the video on Current TV. Linda Killian on the Dylan Ratigan Show on MSNBC April 2, 2012 Linda Killian recently joined Libertarian Presidential candidate Gary Johnson as a guest on the Dylan Ratigan Show on MSNBC to discuss the role of independents in this year’s elections, which is also the subject of her new book. Please click here to watch the video on MSNBC. Killian Appears on “Now with Alex Wagner” (MSNBC) January 26, 2012 Linda Killian was a guest on “Now with Alex Wagner” on MSNBC to talk about her new book, “The Swing Vote: The Untapped Power of Independents”, and to discuss the effects these voters are having on the 2012 election. ![]() To see Alex and Linda’s discussion about “The Swing Vote,” please visit: For additional roundtable discussions, please visit these links:
Watch Linda Killian on C-SPAN’s “AfterWords” April 9, 2012 Linda discusses her new book, “The Swing Vote,” and the greatest frustrations and concerns of independents and the power she thinks they will have in the 2012 election, with Editor-in-Chief of Democracy Journal, Michael Tomasky. Please click here to watch the video. Linda Killian Appears on February 10, 2012 Linda Killian was a guest on to talk about her new book, “The Swing Vote: The Untapped Power of Independents”, and to discuss the effects these voters are having on the 2012 election. To see Linda’s discussion about “The Swing Vote,” please visit: Linda Killian discusses new book on C-SPAN January 15, 2012 Linda Killian was a guest on C-SPAN’s “Washington Journal” to discuss her upcoming book, “The Swing Vote: The Untapped Power of Independents.” In writing the book, Linda Killian talked with hundreds of citizens, activists and public officials around the country and paints a vivid portrait of the swing voters. She focuses on four key swing demographic groups and states – Colorado, Ohio, New Hampshire and Virginia – that will be critical in the 2012 election. Killian presents a new model of the swing voters and reveals who they are and what they want from their government. She describes the intense disappointment and frustration these voters have with the political system and the two parties. She also examines the heightened polarization of Democratic and Republican elected officials and their inability to deal with our nation’s most important problems. This is not only a timely shot across the bows of both parties but an impassioned call to Independents to bring America back into balance. For more information on the book, please visit the publisher’s page. Linda Killian discusses her book with Emily Rooney on WGBH Boston April 26, 2012 Linda Killian appeared as a guest on WGBH’s “Greater Boston” with host Emily Rooney to discuss her new book and the role of independent voters. You can view the full video below: Killian appears on “Young Turks” show on Current TV January 18, 2012 Linda Killian appeared as a guest on “The Young Turks” with Cenk Uygur to discuss Rick Perry’s comments about Turkey’s foreign aid in the most recent GOP debate. Killian predicts Perry “will be toast” after South Carolina, but points out that overseas “these comments are taken seriously” and the State Department had to do damage control. | Linda Killian Quoted in NPR November 16, 2012 Linda Killian recently was quoted in a NPR article about the election:
Click here to read the full article. Linda Killian on the Diane Rehm Show October 17, 2012 Linda Killian recently joined Michael Hirsh (chief correspondent at National Journal magazine) and Ron Elving (Washington editor for NPR) to discuss the second Presidential debate with host Diane Rehm on NPR. Click here to listen to audio. Linda Killian in the News September 25, 2012 Linda Killian was recently quoted in a Truthout news article about the 2012 elections and the role of independent voters. You can read her quotes using the link below: Truthout: “What Do We Know About Independent Voters?” Linda Killian on Baltimore Radio September 11, 2012 Linda Killian was recently a guest on WYPR Public Radio in Baltimore to talk about the role of swing voters in the 2012 elections. Please click here for the link to hear her interview. Linda Killian on WBUR in Boston September 7, 2012 Linda Killian was recently a guest on “Here and Now” on WBUR Radio to talk about the role of swing voters in the 2012 elections. Please click here for the link to hear her interview. Linda Killian on New York Radio August 31, 2012 Linda Killian was recently a guest on The Leonard Lopate Show on WNYC Radio to talk about the role of swing voters in the 2012 elections. Please click here for the link to hear her interview. Linda Killian on Los Angeles Public Radio August 14, 2012 Linda Killian was recently the guest of host Larry Mantle on Los Angeles Public Radio to talk about her new book and the role of swing voters in the 2012 elections. Please click here for the link to hear her interview. Linda Killian on Iowa Public Radio July 25, 2012 Linda Killian was recently the guest of host Ben Kieffer on Iowa Public Radio to talk about her new book. Please click here for the link to hear her interview. Linda Killian on Charlotte’s NPR Radio Station July 17, 2012 Linda Killian recently was a guest on “Charlotte Talks with Mike Collins” on WFAE 90.7 in Charlotte, NC to talk about swing voters and what is important to them. Please click here to hear her interview. Linda Killian on Connecticut Public Radio July 5, 2012 Linda Killian recently was a guest on “Where We Live” on WNPR, Connecticut Public Radio. Please click here to hear her interview. Five myths about independent voters “The Washington Post” – May 17, 2012 Forty percent of all registered voters are independents – the highest figure since Gallup started keeping track half a century ago. Since 2008, 2.5 million voters have left the two major parties to become independents, which is now a larger group than registered Republicans or Democrats. In this Washington Post opinion piece, Linda Killian addresses some of the misconceptions about this growing and influential bloc of voters. Please click here to read the full story in The Washington Post. Linda hosted a live Web chat at The Washington Post to answer peoples’ questions about Independent voters. Please click here to read the live chat archive. The Swing Vote: Why Independents Will Decide the 2012 Election May 19, 2012 Linda Killian joins to discuss her book and why Independents will play an important role in the 2012 election cycle. See more on “The Victory Report”. Linda Killian on NPR in Miami and Detroit May 15, 2012 Linda Killian was a recent guest on NPR radio shows in Miami and Detroit to talk about her new book and the role of Independent voters in this election. You can listen to the full audio here: Detroit/NPR Linda Killian on “No Labels” May 10, 2012 Linda Killian was a recent guest on “Call to Action” on “No Labels” to talk about her book and the role of Independent voters. Please click here to listed to the audio. Linda Killian on WBZ’s “NightSide” Radio Show in Boston May 3, 2012 Linda Killian recently joined Dan Rea on WBZ’s “NightSide” radio show in Boston (1030AM). Click below for the audio: Chinese News Media Talks About “The Swing Vote” May 1, 2012 Chinese news service Xinhua recently ran a story about Linda Killian and her study of independent voters in US elections. You can read the full article here: Linda Killian at The CATO Institute April 25, 2012 Listen to Linda on WHYY in Philadelphia April 10, 2012 Click here to listen to Linda Killian’s recent appearance on “Radio Times with Marty Moss-Coane” to discuss her new book and the 2012 election. Linda Killian in New England March 30, 2012 Linda Killian recently visited the New England area to talk about this year’s elections and the role she expects independent voters to play in the contests. She made a number of appearances in the media during her trip.
![]() ![]() Linda Killian travels to Ohio for “Super Tuesday” events March 11, 2012 ![]() As the 2012 presidential primary season continues to heat up, Linda Killian traveled to Ohio for “Super Tuesday,” watching the returns and the voting patterns as they emerged. Killian scheduled several events around the Ohio primary, including public appearances at Ohio Wesleyan University (Tuesday, March 6 at 7:30 p.m.) and at Ohio State University (Wednesday, March 7 at 6 pm in the Page Hall Policy Forum)(click here for video). She also was a guest on the “All Sides with Ann Fisher” public affairs talk show on 89.7FM WOSU radio, and on “The Sound of Ideas” on 90.3FM WCPN radio (click on links for audio streams). Killian Talks About New Book on Sirius Radio February 10, 2012 Linda Killian was a special guest on the StandUp with Pete Dominick show on Sirius Radio to discuss her new book. Please click here to listen to the audio link (MP3). Killian Discusses New Book at The Wilson Center February 1, 2012 Linda explains who “The Swing Voters” are and what matters to them in this Web video at the Wilson Center: Linda Killian discusses her new book, “The Swing Voter” on WNYC Radio’s “The Takeaway” January 10, 2012
Linda Killian talks to Coffee Party USA November 28, 2011 ![]() Linda Killian talks to Coffee Party USA about the failure of the supercommittee, what comes next, and ideas about how citizens can be involved. For audio, click on the player below. Linda Killian speaks to Coffee Party USA on C-SPAN September 24, 2009 Linda Killian appeared on C-SPAN as one of the speakers at a Coffee Party USA presentation on “Civic Engagement and the American Political Process.” Participants spoke about the state of discourse in American politics, the emergence of the “tea party” movement, their response in the form of a “coffee party,” and engaging citizens and lawmakers in the political process. Among the topics they addressed were partisanship and the legislative process, recent efforts to pass health care reform, campaign finance, and voter anger. They also answered questions from the audience. | Killian hosts panel on health care policy September 24, 2009 On September 24, 2009, the Wilson Center on the Hill, Program on America and the Global Economy (PAGE), and Boston University’s Washington Center brought lawmakers and experts together on Capitol Hill to discuss the current health care system and the debate over its reform. Linda Killian, then director of the Boston University Washington Center and a senior scholar at the Woodrow Wilson Center, moderated the event. Panelists included Jason Altmire, U.S. Representative (D-Pa.) – Member, House Education and Labor Committee; Charles M. Brain, President, Capitol Hill Strategies – Director of Legislative Affairs, President Bill Clinton; Michael Burgess, U.S. Representative (R-Tex.) – Member, House Energy and Commerce Committee; Joe Courtney, U.S. Representative (D-Conn.) – Member, House Education and Labor Committee; Kent Hughes, Director, PAGE Program & Global Energy Initiative, Woodrow Wilson Center; Barry Jackson, Former Assistant to President George W. Bush for Strategic Initiatives and External Affairs – Member, Board of Trustees, Woodrow Wilson Center; Gerald Seib, Assistant Managing Editor and Executive Washington Editor, The Wall Street Journal; and, John Shadegg, U.S. Representative (R-Ariz.) – House Energy and Commerce Committee. Killian moderates panel on Obama administration’s April 16, 2009 On April 16, 2009, about 100 days after President Obama took office, the Woodrow Wilson Center’s Program on Science, Technology, America, and the Global Economy and the Boston University Washington Center sponsored a discussion of the new administration’s achievements thus far and the challenges it will face moving forward. The panel of distinguished academics and journalists included Tom Fiedler, Dean of the Boston University College of Communications, Michael Kazin, Professor of History at Georgetown University, Gerald Seib, Assistant Managing Editor and Executive Washington Editor of The Wall Street Journal, and Kenneth T. Walsh, Chief White House Correspondent for U.S. News & World Report. Acting as moderator was Linda Killian, Director of the Boston University Washington Center and a current Wilson Center Public Policy Scholar. |